An Easy Way to Relieve Muscle Pain After Exercise

ginger root
This year I have been very organized for the holidays. I am looking forward to the family celebrations, but I am looking forward to the dawning of 2013. Even if we avoid falling off the fiscal cliff and other disasters, the world will be different in 2013. I feel that the new year will bring a more balanced and less chaotic world. By starting – or continuing – to strive for health in our physical bodies, there are always options to consider for improvement…

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Organic Baked Winter Squash Soup

fall produce
It is the time of year to boost your immune system with a generous intake of seasonal foods high in Vitamin A. I have enjoyed this recipe for years! The recipe is from my sister, Beth, and all foods in the recipe are organic…

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Children’s Nutrition: After-School Snacks

young girl with two apples
The importance of snacks should not be underestimated. Snacks provide nutritious fuel for after-school activities kids are involved in. Nutritious snacks not only provide extra energy for kids’ high-energy needs, but they also help to maintain blood sugar levels. Healthy snackers make for more energetic and less grumpy kids…

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Taking a Moment for Your Health

Today I was released from the orthopedic surgeon after breaking my back on Memorial Day. Now I am starting physical therapy! I am greatly relieved to be at this part of my recovery, and I am anticipating making great strides with my physical therapist…

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Cheers to healing bones!

After consulting with my nutrition mentors, I re-evaluated my current supplement routine.  Today I started my “Bone Healing” smoothie.  It is a great lunch and a great way to expedite the bone healing process! Recipe for “Bone Healing Smoothie” Biotics: Rice Protein Powder, 1-2 scoops Rice Milk Enriched, 1 cup, can add more to change…read more.