Integrative Healthcare Symposium: Protect Yourself from Your Cell Phone!

man talking on cell
As a follow up to last week’s information about the hazards of cell phones, I offer this guide to use cell phones more safely. You can take actions to protect your health!




  • Use a headset or the speaker function on your phone. Distance the phone from your body and head.
  • Don’t carry a cell phone in your pocket. The cell phone emits radiation even when it is not in use.
  • Beware of a weak signal. When a cell phone is in standby mode or when the signal strength is weak or blocked, exposure to radiation increases. Limit the use of your phone at these times.
  • Keep cell phones away from children. The younger the child is, the greater the risk of exposure. Do not give a cell phone to a baby or toddler to use as a toy or pacifier.
  • Do not leave your cell phone or cordless phone by your bed. Make your bedroom a phone-free zone.

We all have become dependent on cell phones, so it is important to use them wisely. Our health is dependent upon it!

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