Spring: Everything New!

spring flowers
March is the calendar month for the arrival of spring. March 20th, 12:14 am CDT, is the Vernal Equinox. The Equinox is early this year, mainly because it is leap year. Speaking of early, as I write this in early March, I feel summer has arrived…

    (click to read full blog post)

Nutrition & Depression

skeleton and brain
With nutritional deficiencies, we can experience mood changes and depression. Don’t be treated for depression without having your nutritional status evaluated…

Heal Your Entire Self

man with head in hands
Depression is a common complaint among many of my patients. Depression has many forms and many symptoms, and it is often difficult to recognize in oneself…

Don’t Stuff Your Face: Face Your Stuff!

woman with salad
In November I attended a nursing continuing education seminar titled, “Food Addictions, Overeating, and Mood Swings.” We reviewed in depth the physical responses we have to our food choices, why we make the food choices we do, and the effects food addictions have on our bodies. Here are a couple useful tools we explored…

Boost Your Immune System Part IV: Flu Shots & Something Better

There is much controversy over the safety and necessity of flu shots. Last year was especially controversial with the media frenzy on the H1N1 flu pandemic. In August, the World Health Organization declared the Swine (H1N1) flu pandemic as passed. Any worries about this pandemic are not necessary, and possibly were never necessary from the start.